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杨晓婷  刘文生  张稳 《河南中医》2020,40(3):351-353
胆结石的发病多与情志不疏有关,情志不疏,气机运行失畅,遂生郁滞,进而产生六郁之邪及其他变证。郁证贯穿胆结石的整个发病过程。七情作为外因而致郁,又可因郁而致内在因素如气血阴阳等物质的改变,进而产生六郁,即气郁、湿郁、痰郁、热郁、血郁及食郁,六郁证候各有不同,又相互影响,相互为病,故临床立法当以疏理气机为先,进而根据气郁所致之痰郁、血郁、热郁等不同辨证治疗,用药当以理气药为主,配合活血药、清热药、祛痰祛湿药等共奏标本兼治之效。笔者在辨证选方的基础上,灵活运用对药,如茵陈配金钱草,石菖蒲配远志,瓜蒌仁配瓜蒌皮,白茅根配芦根,柴胡配白芍,桔梗配枳壳,百合配生地黄、天花粉、煅牡蛎等,发挥药物相使或相须的配伍之效,增强了疗效。另外,应嘱患者注意调节情绪,在配合治疗同时放松心情,才有助于减少胆结石的复发。  相似文献   
Ocular anomalies may occur in craniofacial microsomia (CFM). The aim of this systematic review was to review the literature on ocular anomalies and their incidence, in order to estimate the need for ophthalmological screening in CFM patients. Online databases were searched, and data on the number of patients, type and incidence of ocular anomalies, and visual acuity were extracted. Four subgroups of ocular and adnexal anomalies were identified, to provide an overview of the different anomalies. Twenty-five papers analysing 1419 patients in total were included. Ocular anomalies were documented in 6.7–100% of patients. The most reported type I ocular anomalies were eyelid coloboma, lipodermoids, and orbital dystopia. The most reported type II ocular anomalies were epibulbar dermoid, microphthalmia, and anophthalmia. Ptosis and strabismus were the most reported type III anomalies, and irregular astigmatism was the most reported type IV ocular anomaly. Visual impairment in general was reported in 8–71.4% of patients, with severe visual impairment in 11.1–71.4% and amblyopia in 16.3%. This study provides a detailed overview of ocular anomalies in CFM and their prevalence. Furthermore, we propose a new classification to organize ocular anomalies into four clinically relevant subtypes. Finally, the high prevalence of ocular anomalies and visual impairment in this study suggests that CFM patients should undergo ophthalmological screening at least once during the sensitive period.  相似文献   
目的探讨胎儿唇腭裂的影像学特征与遗传基础。方法142例病例均接受产前超声系统检查,经过两级医生检查及会诊做出最终诊断。同时收集活产胎儿的胎儿脐带或引产胎儿的大腿肌肉组织,进行全基因组测序(whole genome sequening,WGS),以发现染色体数目异常和拷贝数异常(copy number variations,CNVs)。结果142例孕妇年龄分布为21~41岁,孕周为12~35周。142例胎儿中,男性94例,女性48例,男女比例为1∶0.51。根据唇腭裂的类型,单纯唇裂有84/142例(59.15%),唇裂合并其他系统畸形情况有31/142例(21.83%)。单纯唇腭裂有14/142例(9.86%),唇腭裂合并其他系统畸形情况有13/142例(9.15%)。9.2%(13/142)的胎儿有染色体数目异常,8.4%(12/142)的胎儿检出了致病性CNV。结论对CNVs的检测可以增加胎儿腭裂的遗传检测诊断率,在临床中应重视检测致病性CNVs。  相似文献   
ObjectivesTo describe baseline and procedural characteristics and clinical outcomes of isolated striatocapsular infarct (iSCI) after mechanical thrombectomy in patients with large-vessel occlusion of the anterior cerebral circulation andits clinical outcome.MethodsWe performed a longitudinal study including all patients treated with mechanical thrombectomy at our centre between 2015 and 2017; patients were divided into 2 groups (iSCI and non-iSCI) according to whether they presented iSCI in a control CT scan at 24 h.ResultsOf the 83 patients identified, 22.9% developed an iSCI. There were no statically significant differences in baseline characteristics or in reperfusion times. Patients presenting iSCI showed better collateral circulation and better reperfusion rates in the bivariate analysis. No significant difference was observed for mortality at discharge or at 3 months, or for functional prognosis at 3 months.ConclusionsEven if successful reperfusion is achieved, iSCI is a common sequela, independently of reperfusion time, especially in patients with good collateral circulation.  相似文献   
目的 观察SWIM技术治疗后循环大血管闭塞所致急性缺血性卒中的有效性及安全性。 方法 回顾性分析2017年2月-2018年11月于大连市中心医院采用SWIM技术治疗的后循环大血管闭 塞所致急性缺血性卒中患者的临床资料,评价该技术的疗效和安全性,并分析影响患者预后的因素。 观察指标为术后即刻成功再通(mTICI≥2b)、90 d良好预后(mRS评分≤2分),以及术后24 h任何颅内 出血、90 d全因死亡。 结果 共纳入35例患者,平均年龄66.1±12.1岁,男性26例(74.3%),基线NIHSS评分22(15~34)分。 术后即刻成功再通率为94.3%(33/35),90 d良好预后率为45.7%(16/35),24 h颅内出血率为17.1% (6/35),90 d全因死亡率为37.1%(13/35)。单因素分析显示,基线NIHSS评分较低(P =0.001)、基 线后循环ASPECTS评分较高(P =0.016)、发病至到院时间较短(P =0.039)、发病至再通时间较短 (P =0.047)、血管成功再通率较高(P =0.036)以及饮酒比例较低(P =0.042)与良好预后相关。 结论 使用SWIM技术治疗后循环急性缺血性卒中相对安全、有效。  相似文献   
目的:观察平肝定眩汤对肝阳上亢型后循环缺血性眩晕的疗效。方法:选取2017年6月-2018年10月烟台业达医院收治的后循环缺血性眩晕的患者120例,按随机数字表法分为治疗组和对照组。治疗组和对照组各60例,两组一般的资料经统计学方法,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),具有可比性。两组均给予改善循环,控制血压、血糖,调节血脂,抗血小板聚集等基础治疗。治疗组给予平肝定眩汤,对照组给予平眩胶囊。两组疗程均为4周,观察两组患者治疗前后总体症状,脑血流速度、血脂、血糖等指标改善情况。采用SPSS 11.0统计学软件进行计算。结果:治疗组总有效率91.7%(55/60),对照组总有效率61.6%(37/60),两组疗效比较有统计学意义(P<0.05)。治疗组三酰甘油(Triglyceride,TG)、血清总胆固醇(Serum Total Cholesterol,TC)、HDL-C、LDL-C治疗后显著改善,与治疗前比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);对照组TG及TC治疗前后差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(High Density Liptein Cholesterol,HDL-C)及低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(Low Density Liptein Cholesterol,LDL-C)治疗前后比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。两组治疗后TC比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。两组治疗后空腹血糖(Fasting Plasma Glucose,GLU)明显降低(P<0.05),两组间的治疗后比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。治疗组治疗后椎动脉(Vertebral Artery,VA)、基底动脉(Basilarartery,BA)平均血流速度(Mean Blood Flow Velocity,VM)明显提高,与对照组治疗后相比较,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:平肝定眩汤治疗后循环缺血性眩晕在改善患者症状、降低血液黏稠度,改善脑血流状况方面疗效显著。  相似文献   
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